Chrism Mass, Ho Diocese 2021

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu Ordained Six Deacons


The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ho, Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD has on Monday, April 12, 2021, ordained six acolytes into the Diaconate Order.

They were Revs. Prosper Toyi Akumeni and Rudolph Kodjo Tsekpo from Immaculate Conception Parish, Kpando; Rev. Daniel Tenu Kwame Yeboah - Sacred Heart Parish, Fodome; Rev. Yohanes Komla Adjei - Our Lady of Lourdes, Kpando-Agbenoxoe; Rev. David Seyram Addo from St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Dzemeni and Rev. Eugene Kodzo Adzaklu C.Ss.R  -  St. Peter's Parish Vakpo, who is a candidate of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (The Redemptorists).

The candidates during the ceremony were urged to commit themselves to the Evangelical Councils of Poverty, Celibacy, and the Promise of Obedience to their Local Ordinary and his successors, after which they were then invested with stole and Dalmatic. By virtue of this ordination into the transitional diaconal ministry, they become members of the clergy and a step towards the sacerdotal ministry.  Their major task characterized by their new status is to serve the people of God in fraternal charity.

Bishop Fianu, in his homily, first of all, thanked the parents for giving out their children to the church to serve the faithful. He encouraged the newly ordained deacons to always avail themselves to learn more about the ministry God has called them to.

Furthermore, he entreated them to prepare adequately through constant reading, meditation and research on the Word of God before preaching to the lay faithful. “You should also be abreast with the new interpretation of the faith of the Church,” he stated.

The Bishop, moreover, admonished the candidates to serve with humility and to always take instructions from their superiors.

The ceremony which took place at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Ho-Bankoe, was witnessed by the candidates' parents, a session of the clergy and religious as well as seminarians from the diocese.

The number of attendants to the ceremony was restricted due to the pandemic and those who were in attendance observed strictly the covid protocols.  




Ho Diocese Marks Green Ghana Day

Bishop Fianu today 11th June 2021 joined the Catholic faithful at St. Cecilia Parish Ho, Dome to mark "Green Ghana Day". This is in consonance with the government's agenda to plant five (5) million trees nationwide. This event took place in the context of the bishop's one-week canonical visit to the parish. He called on the Catholic faithful to plant trees since human survival depends largely on them.

As we join the president and the Bishop to mark this all-important day, let us bear in mind that the day the last tree dies, the day the last man dies as well. Bearing this in mind we are all called upon to take good care of our environment.  









Health Screening for Priests in Ho Diocese


The Catholic Health Facilities in the Catholic Diocese of Ho are currently organizing a health screening exercise for their priests. This exercise is being scheduled from 7th to 9th June on a deanery basis. On Monday 7th June 2021, the health team was in Kpando deanery. On the 8th of June which was yesterday, they were in Ho deanery and today, hopefully, they will be at Hohoe Deanery.  During the various screening exercises, they also had an opportunity to listen to health talk on stress management. This became necessary because some of the priests find it difficult to make the time of their busy schedules to visit the hospital for regular check-ups. 


Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD today, the 28th day of April 2021 announced the appointment of Very Rev. Fr. Walter Agbetoh as his Vicar General. In the letter, he expressed his profound gratitude to Very Rev. Fr. William Horlu for the services he had rendered to the Ho Diocese during his five years tenure of office as the Vicar General of the diocese. 

Very Rev. Fr. Walter before his appointment was the Principal of St Agatha Commercial College and SHS, Hohoe. 

In the appointment letter, the bishop congratulated him and called on all and sundry to give him the needed support to undertake this duty. He is to officially assume this office on 1st May 2021.

We congratulate him and we wish him the very best. 


Bishop Fianu Paid a Canonical Visit to Holy Rosary Parish at Hohoe

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD begun his canonical visit to Holy Parish, Hohoe Ahado on the 14th of June, 2021. In the late hours of the day at 3:15pm after his arrival, he was welcomed by the Priest in charge, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre and the Parish Pastoral Council(P.P.C.) 

His Lordship paid a courtesy call on the chiefs and elders of Gbi-Ahado. There he was warmly welcomed by Togbe Kutor VIII and his elders. In his address, he thanked the people of Ahado for allowing the church to grow on their land. The Chief, Togbe Kutor VIII also expressed his gratitude to the Bishop and the Parish Pastoral Council members for the historical visit to them. He again prayed for continuous collaboration between the Church and the people of Ahado.

Right after the meeting with the chiefs and elders,  His Lordship was given a surprised colourful birthday celebration. He was joined by the Priest in charge and the Chairman of the P.P.C. to cut a cake to mark his 64th birthday celebration.

 Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD was joined in a Eucharistic celebration by the Priest in charge of the Parish, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre at 5:45 am on Tuesday, 15th June, 2021. In his homily, His Lordship admonished the faithful to let their attitude toward others not to be one of hatred, rejection or indifference.

 "We should always have a commitment of goodwill, whether the people love us or not. This is only possible if we are people of faith and if we really take the words or teachings of Jesus to heart.  We may be moved to act in this way if we take note of the reason that Jesus gave for recommending the love of enemies", He said.

Right after the Eucharist celebration, he held a meeting with the Catechists of the Parish. He also had a meeting with headteachers as well as teachers of Holy Rosary R.C Schools to address some of their pressing issues.

In the afternoon, his Lordship met the Parish Finance Committee (P.F.C.) to discuss issues concerning the finances of the Parish.

The bishop ended the second day of his week long visit with a meeting with Choirs in the Parish  where they interacted concerning some pressing issues.

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD had a Eucharistic celebration at  St. Michael Church, Adabraka at 6:00am on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. In his homily, His Lordship admonished the faithful not to look for the acknowledgment of people when they give alms.

"Moments of alms-giving should also not be turned into occasions of publicity to let people know what we are doing. A true and faithful Christian who wants to follow the teachings of Christ will be discreet in offering alms.

We should be happy that God knows what we are doing in secret", He said. After the Eucharist celebration, he had a meeting with the Local Pastoral Council (L.P.C.). He also held a meeting with Strategic Planning Development and Maintenance sub committee.

His Lordship also had a meeting with the women of the Parish and wrapped up the third day of his canonical visit with a meeting with men in the Parish.

The Shepherd of the Catholic Diocese of Ho, Most Reverend Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD together with Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre met with parishioners on Thursday morning to celebrate Mass at Holy Rosary Church.

In his homily, his Lordship beseeched the faithful to learn to develop the right attitude to prayer and know how to blend praise and supplication to the greater glory of God.

"Just as our alms-giving is a private affair and should be treated as such, so also our private or personal prayers. We should not turn moments of private prayer into public shows. This only makes us hypocrites and not people of faith", he added.

His Lordship met with various community leaders after the Eucharist celebration where he charged them to assist the Priest to bring Christ to the people they are leading.  His Lordship also had a meeting with the various youth groups and the non-aligned youths in the Parish where he provided answers to all their questions.

He ended his day with a meeting with the Local Pastoral Council (L.P.C.) of Holy Rosary Church.

Friday, 18th June, 2021 in the eleventh Week in Ordinary Time, Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD continued his canonical visit to Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe with a morning Mass. 

In his homily, his Lordship advised the faithful to learn to faithfully follow the Lord Jesus Christ so that they can store treasures in heaven. He added that, "The treasure to be stored in heaven is gained by obedience to God and his commandments".

 The Bishop paid a visit to an all day Parish Pastoral Council (P.P.C.) leadership training been held for members of the various P. P. C's in the denary at St. Augustine's Catholic Church, Gbi- Abansi.

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD began his sixth Day canonical visit to the Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe Ahado with a Eucharist celebration on Saturday, June 19 2021.

He advised the faithful not to despair in life but put their trust in God who cares for them because they are of value more than the flowers in the field or the birds in the air.

"What Jesus wants us to learn from the birds of the air and the flowers in the fields is how we are to combine hard work with quiet confidence in God for all our future needs.

 This attitude contrasts with those who look on their material possessions and think they have no need of God.

They think their wealth can procure them food, health and shelter so they do not need God. People of this kind are certainly mistaken.

No matter our socio-economic standing, we all need to be thoughtful and careful about our future provisions.  We cannot however do this without making God part of our planning", He added. His Lordship paid a visit to Holy Rosary Parish lands at Avega and Galikope respectively. He later had a meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council (P.P.C.) and a town hall meeting with parishioners.

The Shepherd of the Catholic Diocese of Ho, Most Reverend Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD ended his week long visit to the Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe Ahado with a Holy Mass. In his homily on the twelfth Sunday in ordinary Time, Year B, he invited the faithful to place all their trust in Jesus. In this way, they are sure that he will calm all the storms that they encounter in their lives.

"It is important to know how to call on Jesus Christ in prayer and wait for his response in faith", He added. The Parishioners who could not hide their joy at his visit, thanked him very much and also pleaded with him to return to the Parish as soon as possible to cut sod for the commencement of their Mission House and Parish Hall Complex.

The Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council, Mr. Cherubim Anthony Tsogbe thanked the Bishop on behalf of the parishioners for his visit and presented him a pyrography portrait of his Lordship  as well as some cash. many other gifts were presented to his Lordship by the some of the parishioners .

He beseeched his Lordship to ask for God's blessings for Miss Veronica Abigail Obum and her family for her generosity towards the purchase of granite stone to complete the main Altar. 

The Bishop also expressed his gratitude to the congregation for the warm reception offered him during his visit.





About us

Ho Diocese is located in the Volta Region of Ghana and constitutes ten Administrative Districts, namely: Ho, Kpando and Hohoe municipal areas. Others include, North Dayi, South Dayi, Adaklu, Agortime-Ziope, Ho-West, Afadjato-South Districts and parts of Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region.  [Read More]

Contact us

Patrons: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Conception
Bishop: Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD.

Address: Bishop’s House Box HP 380, Ho (V.R.)
Phone: +233 54 313 0413
Email: or

© 2024 Catholic Diocese of Ho.