Ho Diocese is Bereaved

The Bishop of Ho, Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, yesterday, 2nd August 2021 announced with deep sorrow the demise of Rev. Fr. John Adanfo. He died in the late hours of Sunday, 1st August 2021 at bout 10:45 pm at Magaret Marquart Catholic Hospital, Kpando. He was residing in the retirement home for the priests (Madonna House) at ho Dome before his death.

As we wait for the burial announcements to be made, the bishop asked all of us to continue to pray for the peaceful repose of his soul and also to pray for the bereaved family. 

May he rest in peace.

Ho Diocesan Workshop for Choirmaster held at Holy Cross Parish, Have


The workshop which took place today 3rd September 2021, was attended by about 65 participants from all the parishes in the Diocese.

Rev. Fr. Jesse Amedzi delivered a talk on 'Tools needed to empower choirmasters to revamp the weak and defunct choirs in the Parishes'. Using the Brainstorming method, the Facilitator helped the Audience to, first of all, come out with identified causes of the weakness and dormancy in choirs.

These, among others, were identified:

*Inadequate Choirmasters

*Inadequate support/ remuneration for Choirmasters at the Diocesan and Parish levels

*Reluctance of Men and the youth to join choirs in the various stations

*Inadequate sacrifice and discipline among existing choristers

*Financial burden on smaller parishes making it difficult to support choirmasters

*Changing times and disinterestedness of the current age for spiritual activities

*Indiscipline among choirmasters

*Inadequate recognition and encouragement of some choirs by some Priests

The Speaker recommended that choirs and choirmasters should have a VISION in line with the church's Vision of saving Souls as an intrinsic motivation for their duties.

Participants also identified appreciation and remuneration of Choirmasters and Choristers, empowering the Diocesan Music Directorate with the necessary logistics and tools, regular training of/for choirmasters, as some necessary actions to revamp outstation choirs.

Mr. Richard Amrago (Ho Municipal Education Office Coordinator for Culture and Music), who delivered a talk on 'Skills and Competencies of the 21st Century Church Music Director', recommended that Choirmasters should use modern technological gadgets to augment their music praxis. For him, the Music Director is to control and harmonize every sound that is produced during the liturgy, including the music accompaniment, and fixing of PA systems etc. He further urged the participants to make themselves available and distinguish between Liturgical music and pop music.

Mr. Pius Peni, the Special Guest, commended the efforts of the members of the current Music Commission as far as the development of Liturgical Music in the Diocese is concerned.

The Diocesan Chaplain encouraged the Participants to endeavour to put into practice all they came to learn. He also intimated that such plans as establishing Music Training Schools in each Deanery as near future plans of the Directorate.

I thank the Bishop, all Parish Priests and Parish Choir Chaplains for their support towards a successful workshop.



(Fr. Dennis Kumah Mawulɔ̃m Asare)

Diocesan Chaplain for Choirs, Ho.

Rev. Fr. John Cantus Anku Adanfo was peacefully Laid to Rest.

Fr Adanfo laid to Rest


The Catholic Diocese of Ho on Friday laid to rest Very Rev. Fr Cantus Anku Adanfo after a Requiem Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Ho Kpevele.


The Mass was presided over by Most. Rev Emmanuel Kofi Fianu SVD and concelebrated by the Vicar General Very Rev. Fr Walter Agbetoh and Very Rev. Fr Mawusi , the president of Ho diocesan priests Assocaition.Richard 

The Bishop in his homily called on the faithful to always follow the teachings of Christ to gain eternal life as Fr. John had taught us through his journey as a priest of God.

Fr. Adanfo's journey to the Sacred Priesthood of the Holy Roman Catholic Church started at the Preparatory Seminary at Dzelukofe in January 1958 after which he proceeded to the St. Teresa's Minor Seminary, Amisano for Secondary and Sixth Form. He later continued his education at St. Peter`s Regional Seminary, Pedu – Cape Coast in August 1966 where he was trained in Philosophical and Theological studies.

He was ordained as catholic Priest together with his nephew the former Cathedral Administrator of the then Keta-Ho Diocese, Very Rev. Fr. Sylvester Mawusi on 16th July 1972 at Kpando by Bishop Anthony Konings of blessed memory.

Fr. John worked as a priest in the Catholic Church for 49 years - pastoring several parishes and serving in various positions in and outside the diocese.

Before he died, Fr. John worked at the following parishes; Sacred Heart Cathedral, Ho-Bankoe, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish Dzodze, Nkonya Parish, St. Augustine's Parish Hohoe, and Immaculate Conception of Mary Catholic Church Kpando.

Fr Adanfo also taught at St. Mary's Minor Seminary in Lolobi and finally retired as Chaplain for Anfoega Catholic Hospital, Anfoega, in the Volta Region.

Rv. Fr. John Adanfo also practiced his ministry in the Roman Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Fr. Adanfo was also so much involved in developmental and peace building initiative projects in his hometown of Tafi-Atome.

The late priest was described by many as a Priest who was endowed with the charism of healing and deliverance.

 He also helped several people – the oppressed and those afflicted by evil spirits as well as those who had varied physical ailments. His healing ministry brought joy, satisfaction, relief and consolation to many in the Diocese and beyond.




The Nuncio's Visit To Ho Diocese in photos

The Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana Visit Ho Diocese

The Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, His Excellency Most Rev. Henryk Miecezyslaw Jagodzinki, paid a three-day visit to Ho Diocese from 12th to 15th September 2021.

As part of his visit, he presided over the Thanksgiving Mass of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Congregation of Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church at Sokode Gbogame. In attendance were Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, the bishop of Ho Diocese, Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumodji, SVD, bishop of Keta-Akatsi Diocese and the Bishop Emeritus of Keta-Akatsi, Most Rev Anthony Kwame Adanuty. The superior general of SMMC Sr. Dr. Lucy Hometowu, the clergy and the religious from Ho Diocese and all over the country were present with a session of the lay faithful.

In his homily, His Excellency, Henryk Miecezyslaw Jagodzinki said “Religious life is a special vocation and privilege to follow Christ on the path of the evangelical counsels: chastity, obedience and poverty. Each congregation has its own particular charism, that is, a gift and tasks, which it is called to carry out in the community of the Church. As you know, the charism that a founder of a religious Congregation receives is practically reflected in the Constitutions of that Congregation”.

He also witnessed the official opening and the first matriculation ceremonies of Margret Marquart Catholic Nursing Training College at Kpando. He expressed his joy in being part of the historic events and commend the pioneers of this all-important project which aims at promoting the dignity of humankind. Under the theme “THE CHURCH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS IN TRAINING HEALTH PROFESSIONALS” the principal of Margret Marquart Catholic Nursing Training College, Kpando (MMCNTC) in his speech said the respective mission and vision of their noble institution are geared towards training qualified health professionals who will be well equipped with the needed competencies to go out there and render the needed health services of our dear nation and beyond.

He continued to said quality healthcare is a by- product of quality and qualified health trainees, who is/are well prepared to confront the dynamic health needs of our people at all times. The future of health care delivery to the people of Ghana would be guaranteed if these selected few are well equipped with the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to be able to respond to the patients/client the legitimate medical and non-medical needs in a holistic manner.

Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, Catholic Bishop of Ho, Members of Convocation, Executive Secretary of CHAG, Director of NCHS, Representatives from various institutions, Torgbewo, Mamawo and other Akpini Traditional leaders, Staff of MMCNTC, Students, Parents, and the media were all present at this all-important function

At about 2:45 pm in the afternoon, he visited Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at Kpando Agbenorxoe. In a short ceremony, he led the faithful through a short prayer at the feet of the St. Joseph statue. He later reflected on the life of St. Joseph as a tender and loving Father, an Obedient Father, an Accepting Father, a Creatively Courageous Father, a Working Father, a Father in Shadows, compassionate, caring, and loving father and called on the Catholic faithful to emulate him.

The Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. Walter Agbetoh on behalf of the bishop, Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD presented to him a gift from the Diocese. There were other presentations from the Catholic Women Association and also from the Queen Mother of Kpando Agbenorxoe.

Rosary procession was made amidst the singing of Marian songs to the main grotto after which the Nuncio dedicated the Catholic Church in the Ho Diocese to the patronage of our Dear Mother Mary.

Later, on the same day, in the evening, he paid a courtesy call on the Bishop Emeritus of Ho Diocese, Most Rev. Francis Anani Kofi Lodonu where he interacted with the curia and some elderly priests during a dinner organized by the Host Bishop at the Bishop Emeritus’ residence at Bame.







Bishop Fianu Ordained Six Priests


'Be Models, Not Just Teachers of the Gospel' Bishop Fianu Tells Newly Ordained Priests


The Bishop of Ho Diocese, Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD,  has entreated six newly ordained priests to be good models and not just teachers of the gospel.


According to him, today's world was tired of teachers and rather looking for models to follow, hence the need for priests to endeavour to live exemplary lives to the people they lead.

Delivering his homily at the 2021 Ho Diocesan Priestly ordination at the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Ho Kpevele on Saturday, October 30, 2021, the Bishop noted that, priests were "salt and light" and therefore must guide the people they would pastor, adding that the call to serve God required a serious reflection since it entailed a lot of responsibilities.

In all, five Diocesan and one religious (Redemptorist) were ordained into the ministerial Priesthood of the church, pledging obedience to the bishop, his successors and also legitimate superiors.

They include Reverend Fathers; David Seyram Addo - St Francis of Assisi Parish, Dzemeni, Prosper Toyi Akumani - Immaculate Conception Parish, Kpando, and Daniel Kwame Tenu Yeboah - Sacred Heart Parish, Fodome, Rudolph Kodjo Tsekpo - Immaculate Conception Parish, Kpando, Yohanes Komla Adjei- Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Kpando Agbenoxoe and Eugene Kodzo Adzaklu, C.Ss.R, Holy Rosary Parish - Hohoe.

Bishop Fianu entreated them ordained to be good leaders, who will guide of the people of God and their communities, adding that, their actions and behaviours must make the faithful desire to live and not leave the Church.     

He reminded them to keep to the traditions and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, apply energies in preaching Jesus Christ, teach the right thing, and always prepare adequately for their homilies.

He called on the priests to learn to identify their weaknesses and pray to God for help to enable them to become good examples.

While admonishing them,  not to be priests who would bring disappointment to God’s people, Bishop Finau also called on the faithful to pray for their priests and particularly for the newly ordained.

He added that the congregation has the responsibility of bringing up and contributing to the identification and ordination of holy priests.

The ceremony was attended by several hundreds of priests, religious and lay faithful, including Most Rev. Anthony Adanuty, Bishop Emeritus of Keta-Akatsi Diocese, Rev. Fr. Cyprian Kuupol, Provincial Superior, Society of Divine Word (SVD), Ghana/Liberia Province, and Rev. Fr.  Christian Ewoenam Klu, C.Ss.R, Superior, Redemptorist Mission of Ghana.




Ho Diocese launches Two-Year Synodal Process


The Ho Diocese has launched the Synod on synodality, a two-year consultative process aimed at the “Church reflecting on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission.”

The process, which is on the theme, “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission,” begins from October 2021 to October 2023, when it will be climaxed with the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican.

Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu SVD, Bishop of Ho who performed the launch during the 2021 Diocesan Priestly Ordination in Ho on Saturday, October 30, called for the support and cooperation of all faithful with the Diocesan Synod Committee for a successful process.

The Vicar-General, Very Rev. Fr. Walter Agbetoh, who chairs the committee, mentioned two major levels of engagement - the first being the Steering Group, consisting of the Priests, Catechists and Pastoral Councils with the second group being the Religious.

He indicated that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, engagements for members under the groups during the Synod period would be at the three Deanery levels throughout the Diocese.

The Vicar General also noted that when the Steering Group received information and the necessary education, they would then engage and involve the identifiable groups in the various Deaneries including Catholic Women, Youth groups, Catholic Men.

He said discussions were expected to focus on what the Church was already doing, the difficulties and how they could improve on them to “capture the Communion, Participation and Mission of the Church. 

Pope Francis, on Sunday, October 10, 2021, performed the global launch of the Synod, which would be done in three phases - the Diocesan, Continental and universal levels within the 2-year period.

During the period, bishops around the world are expected to consult with everyone at the local Church level before coming together for a discussion in 2023.

About us

Ho Diocese is located in the Volta Region of Ghana and constitutes ten Administrative Districts, namely: Ho, Kpando and Hohoe municipal areas. Others include, North Dayi, South Dayi, Adaklu, Agortime-Ziope, Ho-West, Afadjato-South Districts and parts of Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region.  [Read More]

Contact us

Patrons: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Conception
Bishop: Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD.

Address: Bishop’s House Box HP 380, Ho (V.R.)
Phone: +233 54 313 0413
Email:  hodiocese@gmail.com or hodiocese@cbcgh.org

© 2024 Catholic Diocese of Ho.