The birth of the Parish took a long and painful labour.  It all began when Mr. Urban, the dynamic Catechist at Wademaxe at that time made an appeal to Bishop Augustine Herman, the first Bishop of the Diocese after the departure of the German S.V.D. missionaries from the area. The Bishop, however. launched the debate on the topic among Anfoega and Vakpo communities. 

In 1953, the Anfoega, Vakpo communities comprising Aveme Danyigba, Aveme Berne, Awate - Todzi, Tsrukpe, Wusuta and Botoku held a meeting at Vakpo to discuss the possibility of forming a Parish either at Vakpo or Anfoega. That meeting, however, ended in a deadlock following the disagreement as to where the Presbytery would be.

Another meeting was, however, scheduled to take place at Wademaxe but that meeting never to place. In that same year Anfoega Wademaxe convened a separate meeting on the matter. Present at the meeting were the following communities: -

Anfoega - Akukome, Dzana, Agatanyigbe, Aveme-Berne, Danyigba and Awate - Todzi. At the meeting. Aveme communities and Awate led by Mr. Anselmus Mensah preferred the presbytery at Anfoega to Vakpo and pledged to join Anfoega for the creation of the Parish.

The consensus at the meeting was that the Parish should be opened at Anfoega rather than at Vakpo I'm the sake of accessibility of communities to presbytery it should be built at Anfoega - Akukome instead of Wadamaxe which was the oldest Catholic Community. The meeting also noted a convent for religious sisters be built for Wademaxe in the future.

The report of the meeting was presented to the Rt. Rev. Anthony Konings, the Bishop of the Diocese at that time. The Bishop agreed on the decision of the meeting on condition that the Anfoega Church afforded a mission house. The Anfoega churches namely Wademaxe, Akukome, Agatanyigbe, Dzana Aveti and Denui accepted the challenge.

A team of central committee for the Parish project led by Mr. Lambeth Dzeble and including Togbe Tepre Hodo III went to all' Anfoega communities and to all Anfoega citizens living and working on cocoa farms in Buem and Akposo in Togo and appealed for funds for the building of the Presbytery.

The main appeal was launched at Anfoega Wademaxe. The whole community received the news with enthusiasm. On the spot, ten ponds (10) which is equivalent to ¢22,300 today. and some bags of cement were realised. Wherever the team went the people donated generously either in cash or in kind. for instance, at Anfoega Akukome Mr. Victor Kwasi Akonta, Mr. Kwasi Apawu and Togbe Tepre Hodo donated some bags of cement.

As soon as the building plan and materials were ready, people were mobilised for the constructional work. It is interesting to note that the whole of the Anfoega community was involved in the building project, Catholics as well as non-Catholics. Mr. Kwasi Apawu for instance, though a Presbyterian was the chief mason for the constructional work. After a short time, the presbytery was ready. Impressed by the enthusiasm of the Anfoega communities, Bishop Anthony Konings approved the opening of the Parish.

In 1955, Fr. T. Maessen, S.M.A. arrived at Anfoega Akukome as first resident priest and 1956. Bishop Anthony Konings officially opened the Parish with a Pontifical High Mass.

Father T. Maessen started his apostolate at the Parish with vigour. He was later joined by Fr. John Mensink. Both laid a sound foundation for the Parish. Some of the resident priest who followed them were: - Fr. Joachim Boumans, Fr. J. Crammers, 1960 -1963, Fr. J. de Haan, 1963 -1966, Fr. Vespeek later joined as an assistant priest. Fr. Wenders also came in for two years as another assistant. Fr. I. Maessen returned to the Parish in 1966 and left in 1968. Fr. F. Mulders took over from 1968-1973 Others were, Fr. M. Oduma 1973 - 1975, (He was the first African priest), Fr. A. Hulshof. 1975 1976). Fr. George Amlado of blessed memory, 1976 - 1978, Frs. T. Ntsri and Simon Agboso 1978- 1980). Fr. Gabriel Mante (now Bishop of Jasikan Diocese), 1980 - 1981, Fr. D. Kwashie, 1981 – 1985 of blessed memory, Fr. E. Akodor, 1985 - 1993, Fr. C. Adu joined for three years as an assistant priest, Fr. P. Akabua joined the team as an assistant from 1990 - 1994 after Fr. C. Adu had left on transfer, Fr. Richard Adofoli, the first Anfoega native priest came in 1993. Fr. Adofoli and his assistant Fr. Vincent Antie were together from 1995 - 1996. After the departure of Fr. Vincent Antie, Fr. Peter Amevor has succeeded him as the present assistant priest.

Current priest at the station are: - Rev. Fr. Anthony Akpalu (Parish Priest), Rev. Fr. Sebastian Ametefe (Associate), Rev. Fr. Francis Agalah (Associate).

The Parish is presently composed of the following fifteen (15) stations in order or establishment: -

  1. Anfoega Wademaxe - Established in 1906 by Togbe Gbemu of Anfoega - Wademaxe
  2. Aveme Danyigba - Established 1906 by Kandama Kwami, Kandama Kwaku. Vincent Kosikuma Srem, Thomas Attah, Dagblewu and Francis Abiu.
  1. Anfoega Agatanyigbe - Established in 1910 by Azornu Adzim, Akaminka Adzim. Aiikpo and James Gordon from Anfoega Dzana.
  2. Awate Agame - Established in 1911 by Ankuviidzie Nheti.
  3. Anfoega Akukome (Central) - Established in 1913 by Eugene Nanga and Madam, Augusta,
  4. Awate Todzi - Established in 1918 by Panin Adjah Tsedze, Fia Mawusi and Asafoatse:-Adzaho Tefe.
  5. Aveme Beme - Established in 1924 by Clemence Ntibre, Rahael Anyormidie, Regina Dempo and Mawuko.
  6. Tsyome Sabadu - Established in 1924 by Togbe Tse Kwami, John Krambo. John Affrim and Sebastian Gbadagba from Kpando Tsakpe.
  7. Anfoega Denui - Established in 1925 by Tendeku Aloysius who became the first
  8. Anfoega Aveti - Established in 1925 by William Kwadzovi Dzeble who also became the First catechist, Michael Kwami Dzeble, Thomas Afawli and Elias Zuglu.
  9. Anfoega Dzana - Established in in 1928 by Edward K. Ankude.
  10. Aveme Gborxome - Established in 1962 by Joseph Tsaku, Cleopha Kaminka, Rebecca Briba and Helen Agbo
  11. Anfoega Gblenkor - Established in 1977 as a sub-station from Anfoega Akukome (Central) and led by Stephen Golo and Joseph Simpi.
  12. Anfoega Wuve - Established in 1986 with the naite of establisher not furnished.
  13. Aveme Dra - Established in ................................. .


About us

Ho Diocese is located in the Volta Region of Ghana and constitutes ten Administrative Districts, namely: Ho, Kpando and Hohoe municipal areas. Others include, North Dayi, South Dayi, Adaklu, Agortime-Ziope, Ho-West, Afadjato-South Districts and parts of Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region.  [Read More]

Contact us

Patrons: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Conception
Bishop: Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD.

Address: Bishop’s House Box HP 380, Ho (V.R.)
Phone: +233 54 313 0413
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